The Southborough Senior Center provides the town’s seniors with a variety of activities, services and events. This website is designed to familiarize you with many of our scheduled programs and also to provide information that may help you in everyday life. There is also access some other interesting informational links.

Operating Hours

  • Mon.-Fri. 8:30am to 3:00pm

If you would like to speak to a staff member, share information or have any questions or concerns, please call our center at 508-229-4453. We hope you enjoy all the benefits this website has to offer.



Click here to view
our full Calendar
of Events
Medicare Questions?

Certified SHINE counselors are still here to help!

Confidential phone counseling is available on all aspects of health insurance to anyone on Medicare.

Or call the Southborough COA at 508-229-4453 to make a phone appointment.



NOTE: The Senior Center will be closed on the following date

  • July 4th. 2024

Happy Summer

Hi, By the time you read this in the newsletter I am hoping our new room will be up and running with a new tv and furniture! The students and teachers from Assabet did an amazing job and we did a thank you luncheon for them in May.

Over 90 students were able to attend along with most of their instructors. We will miss having them all here. This room gives us more space for activities and programs but now we have a place to spend time with friends, read a book, or work on a puzzle.

We hope that you come by and check out the new space! See you soon,


Catch up with the Senior Center.
View/Download the latest Newsletter below:

July / August

: Please sign up for all programs starts
Monday, July 10th at 10:00am.
Register for programs by calling
(508) 229-4453

Do Not Leave any Program Registrations on Voicemail, please connect with a staff member to register for all programs at all times.

Thank You For Your Understanding~ When signing up for the programs in this newsletter, please review our Program Registration Policy. If you are registering in person, please take a form from the table in the hall (outside the office door), fill it out in the kitchen and drop it off with your payment in the box.



Southborough Senior Center - FaceBook Page